Yogurt Magazine : Quarantine Flavour (IT)
« […] This Yogurt flavour is a charm more than ever, made by the projection of unlived lives, of frames inhabited by lonely people. Made of out of focus identities. But also by irony and colour. Among the thousands of images we received, we have tried to isolate a tale which is as lateral as possible, with a deliberately airy but intimate connotation. This is not to wallow in a pitiless, uselessly disturbing and dull narration. We have selected eighty-seven authors to lead us into an emotive spiral. Moments of introspection are chasing more optimistic languages. And the empty room where the present has inhabited is filled with images. Quarantine is meant to be an oniric journey because it is on the threshold of dreams that we can grasp the complexity of reality. »
Extract from the Quarantine Editorial by Francesco Rombaldi.
Carlo De Lucia, Andrew Kodama, Raphael Arnaud, Ivan Heidel, Ioannis Stefanidis, Jake Romm, Claudia Piras, Ihor Dudnyk, Peter Waterschoot, Rafael Tanaka Monzó, Rein Van Der Sypt, Lorena Florio, Claudia Corrent, Alessia Bressan, Leandro Colantoni, Paolo Valerio Caldarulo, Anna Fraire, Sergio Bellinchon, Winne Lievens, Chiara Ernandes, Jens Masmann, Jonas Van Der Haegen, Stefano Conti, Dario Miale, Cora Baratti, Beatrice Zito, Barbara Henri, Rowan Williams, Luca Baioni, Federica Leone, Everything Is Collective, Piercarlo Quecchia, Asia Flamini, Yiannis Trifonopoulos, Ginevra Panzetti, Daniela Attanasio, Davide Mandolini, Nanni Licitra, Giannina Urmeneta Ottiker, Luc Rabaey, Jared Ragland, Olivier & Marie, Simone D’Angelo, Chris Le Messurier, Andrea Alessandrini, Aurora Montecchio, Alexander Binder, Spyridon Paloukis, Mario Diaz D’Angelo, Marta Galmozzi, Maurizio Assisi, Marta Viola, Federica Belloni, Jean Antart, Francesco Torresi, Alexander Papadopoulos, Daria Nazarova, Sara Barcaroli, Fulvia Bernacca, Simon Vansteenwinckel, Fátima Abreu Ferreira, JP Terlizzi, Valentin Marco, Alexandr Polyantsev, Eugenia Rinaldi, David Alejandro Moreno, Marco Gehlhar, Joselito Verschaeve, Iacopo Pasqui, Federica Vivio, Lina Manousogiannaki, Marie Dhaese, Attilio Solzi, Jana Sojka, Ulrike E. W. Scholder, Benedetta Sanrocco, Gianluca Ceccarini, Ketevan Gvinepadze, Pietro Bucciarelli, Francesco Di Marco, Pascale Dobbelaere, Vesna Vrdoljak, Marco Marzocchi, Tomoko Nagakawa, Martha Micali, Lisa Gervassi, Jean-François Flamey.