Photographer and soundscaper.
B° 1972 | Currently living in Salzinnes, a district of Namur, Belgium.
Founding member of the plateform/collective Aspëkt.


My photographic approach finds its source in a need to deconstruct the evidences, shift the reality axis and let things unsaid.

Fantasized moments, incomplete or scrambled messages manifest themselves in my images as they do in our dreams or hypnagogic states. My intention is to carry the beholder to create his own truth from his own imagination. As Blaise Pascal pointed out, “imagination decides everything”.

Seeking to provoke and experience singular situations offers me favorable contexts to awaken my senses and then release an emotional charge in my images to finally bring the viewer to feel my photography before understanding the scene that unfolds.

Digital, film or Polaroid photographs, some are delivered in their natural state, others are handled. In a need to desacralize photography, I look ahead to go further the mere representation of the content of the image by working on its materiality combining multiple printing / applying biting products / scanning. Images thus dug - literally and figuratively - arise unsuspected elements and a new possible reading, a new truth.


« His images take us into a dreamlike, silent, somber and sometimes disturbing world. Their succession which seems without coherence nevertheless forms a narrative frame close to cinema. We plunge into the clocked flash of memories that would emerge from the bottom of the unconscious. These things seen, recorded, that we had forgotten and that Jean-François Flamey offers us to rediscover. »
Muriel de Crayencour, editor-in-chief of Mu in the City.

« Les 'non-dits' de Jean-François Flamey sont inattendus, déchirants. Comme une musique jamais entendue, inouïe. Ses images, surgies d’on ne sait où, complexes, en noir et blanc granuleux ou en couleurs sourdes, vous sautent au visage en bandes organisées, sans s’être présentées.
Belles, banales ou brutales, elles se structurent en séquences tendres, ou violentes. Inspirées par les sentiments plus complexes encore que ne serait l’absence de mots, elles montrent peu, n’expliquent rien et vous laissent beaucoup
. »
Georges Vercheval, photographe, directeur honoraire et fondateur du Musée de la Photographie de Charleroi.

solo exhibitions

duo / dialogue exhibitions

group exhibitions & projects


with my collective 'aspëkt'

synchro/habillage/création sonore


book & zine

some paper features

some digital features



  • 2020 IATA, Namur (BE)
  • 2019 Académie des Beaux Arts de Charleroi (BE)
  • 2018 Avec Héloïse Rouard. PointCulture Louvain-La-Neuve (BE)
  • 2018 ”Photographie créative, poétique et/ou instinctive” Avec Marie Sordat. Attractions/Triennale de Photographie de Mons/BAM (BE)
  • 2018 "#URBN". A propos de l'art dans la ville. PointCulture, Namur (BE)
  • 2017 A propos du livre "Non Dits" + Mélanie Patris, Librairie Papyrus, Namur (BE)
  • 2017 A propos du livre "Non Dits" 8e biennale de photographie en Condroz (BE)
  • 2015 A propos de mon travail autour de l'ADEM / l'Atelier d'Ecriture Musicale. Thema "Au coeur du métier", PointCulture, Namur (BE)


editorial & layout

jury member

  • 2022 HEAJ Master Image Réelle, Namur (BE)
  • 2022 IATA, 6QPhoto, Namur (BE)
  • 2019 Académie des Beaux Arts de Charleroi (BE), section photo
  • 2018 Académie des Beaux Arts de Namur (BE), section photo
  • 2018 Expolaroid, La Maison Pelgrims, Saint-Gilles/Brussels (BE)
  • 2016 Académie des Beaux Arts de Namur (BE), section photo

in collections

Using Format